PYBB Newsletter

23rd June 2024


Friday 28th June - Poynton Arts Festival - all PYBB groups in concert at Poynton Methodist Church

The concert will start at 19.30, doors open at 19.00.

The programme for the concert will be:
Poynton Youth Brass Band
Poynton Youth Academy Group
Poynton Youth Training Band
Poynton Youth Junior Band
Poynton Youth Brass Band

Players, please dress in full band uniform.

Audience admission charge is £5.00 per person, payable on the door. There will also be a prize draw, so please feel free to donate a prize if you are able.

The planned finish time is 21.30

Full details about Poynton Arts Festival can be found by clicking on this link - Poynton Arts Festival 2024

If you have any questions or concerns, please email PYBB at and will be do our best to address them.

Information is also available on the PYBB website at


Band subscriptions

Band subscriptions are by Standing Order.

The bank details are as follows:
Santander Bank Plc
Account name: Poynton Youth Brass Band
Account number: 83042561
Sort Code - 09-01-28
Reference for payment please use your surname and no. of Children for example - Sawyer - 3 

Current subscription rates per family are - One Child £15 month - Two Children £22 per month and Three or more £30 per month.


 Please set up a standing order from your account on a date suited to you.